Ed DeCaria

Player valuation doesn't end on Opening Day. By season's end, 15-20% of total value comes from undrafted players. It's high time for a new approach to valuing sub-zero value players.
Apr 13 2017 11:04pm
BaseballHQ.com's research team addresses reader feedback and other aftereffects related to the recent PQS methodology change.
May 2 2016 11:05pm
We explain BaseballHQ.com's site-wide update of our Pure Quality Starts (PQS) metric to assess game-level starting pitcher performance at a glance.
Apr 3 2016 11:09pm
As leaguewide strikeout rates continue to rise, player churn and playing time allocation are driving the effect. But young pitchers may yet have a secret weapon enabling them to improve their strikeout rate before age catches up with them.
Jan 8 2015 12:07am
Strikeouts have been on the rise for years, with no end in sight. We look to the future through a new lens and see that the end may in fact be near.
Dec 26 2014 12:07am
We "research the research" to uncover five ways that the BaseballHQ.com Research & Analysis team can deliver more value to subscribers in 2015 than ever before.
Dec 11 2014 12:06am
Baseball commentators periodically suggest that tall pitchers (like Chris Tillman, pictured) are slower to develop than short or average-height pitchers. They "have more complex deliveries so they need more time to get their mechanics straightened out" or they "are so used to dominating lower levels because of their size and raw stuff that they haven't yet learned how to pitch" or some other spirited claim. But is there any truth behind this?
Sep 6 2012 11:03pm
Many thousands of words have now been written about Toronto's Jose Bautista. No worthwhile forecasting system should have predicted more than 18-24 home runs for him entering 2010. But were there any logical indications that he could have not only beat that forecast, but that he could have more than doubled it?
May 18 2011 1:01am
Hunting? In April? Absolutely. The following analysis focuses on the hunt for new closers, with specific focus placed on the timing of transition from one closer to another. Once the hunt is complete and we have satisfied our craving for saves, we will return to the picture above to see if it holds any hidden meaning after all.
Apr 20 2011 11:00am
Player valuation doesn't end on Opening Day. By season's end, 15-20% of total value comes from undrafted players. It's high time for a new approach to valuing sub-zero value players.
Apr 13 2017 11:04pm
BaseballHQ.com's research team addresses reader feedback and other aftereffects related to the recent PQS methodology change.
May 2 2016 11:05pm
We explain BaseballHQ.com's site-wide update of our Pure Quality Starts (PQS) metric to assess game-level starting pitcher performance at a glance.
Apr 3 2016 11:09pm
As leaguewide strikeout rates continue to rise, player churn and playing time allocation are driving the effect. But young pitchers may yet have a secret weapon enabling them to improve their strikeout rate before age catches up with them.
Jan 8 2015 12:07am
Strikeouts have been on the rise for years, with no end in sight. We look to the future through a new lens and see that the end may in fact be near.
Dec 26 2014 12:07am
We "research the research" to uncover five ways that the BaseballHQ.com Research & Analysis team can deliver more value to subscribers in 2015 than ever before.
Dec 11 2014 12:06am
Baseball commentators periodically suggest that tall pitchers (like Chris Tillman, pictured) are slower to develop than short or average-height pitchers. They "have more complex deliveries so they need more time to get their mechanics straightened out" or they "are so used to dominating lower levels because of their size and raw stuff that they haven't yet learned how to pitch" or some other spirited claim. But is there any truth behind this?
Sep 6 2012 11:03pm
Many thousands of words have now been written about Toronto's Jose Bautista. No worthwhile forecasting system should have predicted more than 18-24 home runs for him entering 2010. But were there any logical indications that he could have not only beat that forecast, but that he could have more than doubled it?
May 18 2011 1:01am
Hunting? In April? Absolutely. The following analysis focuses on the hunt for new closers, with specific focus placed on the timing of transition from one closer to another. Once the hunt is complete and we have satisfied our craving for saves, we will return to the picture above to see if it holds any hidden meaning after all.
Apr 20 2011 11:00am
