RELIEVERS: Eleven pens for Memorial Day weekend

Happy Memorial Day weekend. In fantasy baseball, the season is just about one-third of the way to completion. This is a time for taking stock and deciding how to manage the categories to maximize where you have surplus, and where you can make up some ground. This column takes a look at usage over the past 30 days across eleven very interesting bullpens. This can help you as you decide who to sell, who to keep, who to buy, and where to speculate.

First up is Arizona. Check this usage over the past 30 days:

ARI                  Sv  BS Hld  IP  BPV CLN/APP  LI  BPV' LI'
=================== === === === ==== === ======= ==== === ====
S.Crichton            2   0   1   6   57   4/8   1.24  51 1.15
T.Clarke              0   1   2  13   56  ...


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