Buyers Guides

One trade to report between Miami and St. Louis; hidden value in Brad Ziegler; Minnesota and Toronto can use an upgrade to their pens.
Jul 28 2015 11:04pm
The soaring power skills and improving batting eye of David Peralta are two reasons to make him a premium second-half target.
Jul 27 2015 11:05pm
Even though his surface stats don't reflect it, the across-the-board skill gains of Rubby De La Rosa this season make him a gem in keeper leagues and an intriguing target for the second half.
Jul 26 2015 11:04pm
A quick look at some non-closers with elite BPI who score as outliers on the Leverage Index list.
Jul 21 2015 11:04pm
The monthly skill surge of Eduardo Escobar is making him an intriguing under-the-radar speculation source for the second half.
Jul 20 2015 11:04pm
The emergence of Kyle Gibson is validated by a consistent surge in his monthly BPV during the first half.
Jul 19 2015 11:04pm
Rangers, Padres, Marlins, Red Sox and Diamondbacks pens with potential buys and changes.
Jul 14 2015 11:04pm
Brad Miller is sliding under the radar as a potential young cornerstone bat, but his recent surge in hard contact and consistent above-average wheels might change that in the second half.
Jul 13 2015 11:04pm
Sale, Kershaw, Kluber ... and Carrasco? A scan of the most-skilled starting pitchers over the last 12 months yields some surprising names.
Jul 12 2015 11:04pm
Ignoring top relievers who don't get saves could be costing you points.
Jul 7 2015 11:04pm
Manny Machado was one of the game's most skilled bats in June, flashing an impressive power/speed combo. Was it a one-month blip or point on his growth curve?
Jul 6 2015 11:04pm
One trade to report between Miami and St. Louis; hidden value in Brad Ziegler; Minnesota and Toronto can use an upgrade to their pens.
Jul 28 2015 11:04pm
The soaring power skills and improving batting eye of David Peralta are two reasons to make him a premium second-half target.
Jul 27 2015 11:05pm
Even though his surface stats don't reflect it, the across-the-board skill gains of Rubby De La Rosa this season make him a gem in keeper leagues and an intriguing target for the second half.
Jul 26 2015 11:04pm
A quick look at some non-closers with elite BPI who score as outliers on the Leverage Index list.
Jul 21 2015 11:04pm
The monthly skill surge of Eduardo Escobar is making him an intriguing under-the-radar speculation source for the second half.
Jul 20 2015 11:04pm
The emergence of Kyle Gibson is validated by a consistent surge in his monthly BPV during the first half.
Jul 19 2015 11:04pm
Rangers, Padres, Marlins, Red Sox and Diamondbacks pens with potential buys and changes.
Jul 14 2015 11:04pm
Brad Miller is sliding under the radar as a potential young cornerstone bat, but his recent surge in hard contact and consistent above-average wheels might change that in the second half.
Jul 13 2015 11:04pm
Sale, Kershaw, Kluber ... and Carrasco? A scan of the most-skilled starting pitchers over the last 12 months yields some surprising names.
Jul 12 2015 11:04pm
Ignoring top relievers who don't get saves could be costing you points.
Jul 7 2015 11:04pm
Manny Machado was one of the game's most skilled bats in June, flashing an impressive power/speed combo. Was it a one-month blip or point on his growth curve?
Jul 6 2015 11:04pm
