It's down to the wire, and YOU'RE on deck! Deliver the big hit by placing your order for Ron Shandler's 2025 Baseball Forecaster by 11:59pm ET on this Monday, November 25. It's at the best price you'll find with a guaranteed early delivery, right off the presses in just a few short weeks.
Even better? Select our “Auto Renew” option—for the same low price—and you'll get the PDF version of the book on Thanksgiving Eve (Wednesday, November 27), for great start to your holiday festivities. (This option renews at our lowest book price each October; can cancel anytime). It's perfect for early drafting!
As a special bonus, here's a sneak peek at one of the player pages in this year's edition, that includes a newly-crowned MVP. Longtime readers know that insightful player boxes are just one of the many features of this year's Baseball Forecaster. Enjoy!