First Pitch Arizona 2024 - Testimonials



For years, after First Pitch Arizona is over, we've ask participants, “What is the best part of the weekend?” Here's sample of attendee answers, in their own words, from our 2023 survey:

“Connecting with so many baseball enthusiasts. Many knowledgeable Staff and Presenters who were also approachable. Time to be away from it all and drink in 'baseball'.”

“The location, spirit and enthusiasm of speakers, HQ staff and attendees is fabulous.  Content is excellent.”

“The content, AFL games and how welcoming all attendees were welcoming a first time attendee.”

“The general sessions were great as usual, but I feel that this year I really liked the breakouts the most. Just a great variety of interesting topics this year. Also just love talking about baseball with your staff and attendees. Everyone here loves baseball and knows more than the average fan.”

"I liked the variety of topics discussed in the morning sessions as well as the breakout rooms. I thought the HQ staff were welcoming, approachable and very helpful throughout the symposium. A lot of the "experts" were willing to talk 1-on-1 with me (Chris Blessing, Eric Karabell, Tristan Cockroft, Nick Pollack, Jason Collette and Greg Jewett)."

“So many great presentations and content.  Really liked the HQ Playing Time session and Ariel Cohen's Auction session. Appreciate being able to be in a DC50 draft.”

“The prospect content and the ease of communicating with those folks one on one, especially Eric Longenhagen, Chris Blessing and Matt Thompson, who were willing to answer all of my questions.”

“I always feel Eno Sarris and Paul Sporer are enlightening. I enjoy the humor, especially from Ron Shandler. I loved doing the mixed auction and always do.”

“The ability to just chat someone up: you could talk baseball with people who are casual fans, or break down complex topics with professionals, or just hang out with new-found friends.”

“I liked the wide range of rather niche topics that never really occurred to me. Really challenged me to think differently about the game.”

“Many of the presenters fully described the most recent tools used to project performance.”

“Ease of getting there.  Warm climate, excellent organization of time and speakers.  Incredibly useful information.”

“One-on-one interactions.”

“Meeting so many smart people.”

“The community.”


Plus, some feedback from previous years:

"This was my first time at First Pitch. I was surprised at how compelling the best of the sessions were. They totally captured my attention and the time flew by."

“What FPAZ does best is that it exposes the attendees to the work the smartest guys and gals in the biz are working on and reveals new ideas and new ways of thinking about the game.”

"FPAZ was so useful & fun—it wasn't just one thing. As someone who has played fantasy baseball since ‘88 (with success) I had this on my radar for awhile. It will be difficult to keep me away now. Enjoyed meeting many “experts” I’ve been reading and listening to for years. Also enjoyed talking with like minded attendees. And I loved Draft Night."

“The opportunity to meet and talk baseball with a group of people who are equally passionate about it as I am.”

“Scouts, experts providing their thoughts on players was invaluable. Great to hear their rationale and thought process behind why they view certain players as having upside.  Just loved the thinking-man's baseball atmosphere of the entire weekend."

“Just a lot of like-minded people talking about baseball in November. Everyone approachable, and the content was both broad and deep.”

“Everyone was extremely nice and personable. It was nice to associate the person with the voice you hear or read.”

“The quality of the presentations and the sprit that exists at First Pitch Arizona. I have never been to any other event where everyone thoroughly enjoys talking baseball for three straight days. Any one who attend FPAZ is likely to come back again. You just can't find a better event for serious fantasy baseball enthusiasts.”

“Wish we could schedule these on a 30-hour day, so I could attend ALL the breakout sessions!”

“I find it entertaining and useful from a fantasy perspective. If I didn't, I wouldn't keep coming back.”

“Accessibility to experts was great, and it was awesome to interact with so many bright and interesting attendees. Definitely a tribe to which I want to belong.”