First Pitch Arizona 2024 - FAQs



What is your cancellation policy? 
We will provide a full refund for any registrations canceled prior to September 27, 2024. From September 28th through October 18th, we will provide a refund of 50% of your registration fee. Due to the up-front costs we incur, we cannot offer any refunds for registrations canceled after October 19th, 2024.

How will I be kept updated on all symposium details prior to the event?
All attendees are placed on an e-mailing list. Beginning in early August, regular e-mailings will be sent out with important details, changes and opportunities to help shape the program. Typically, expect to receive about 4-6 e-mails up until a few days before the event. If you have not received an e-update within two weeks of your registration, contact us at immediately.

What is the scheduling of the symposium?
The seminar sessions generally run from about 8:00 am to 12 noon on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. There are also afternoon sessions on Friday and Saturday, and evening programming as well. We host a Welcome Reception at on Thursday night (typically at a ballpark), and will provide tickets to additional ballgames throughout the weekend, subject to the AFL schedule.

When should I plan on arriving?
There is a welcome reception with appetizers and a cash bar on Thursday evening. We do not expect there to be a Thursday evening AFL game this year, so you may choose to arrive early enough on Thursday (or even Wednesday night if possible), to catch the Thursday afternoon ballgame if that is a priority for you.

Do I need to rent a car?
It's up to you. Unfortunately there is no hotel shuttle from Wrigleyville to the airport, but in the past some attendees have coordinated rideshares or cabs to the hotel. Once on location, we have found that there are always more than enough attendees renting cars so that you should be able to catch a ride with someone to the games, and we help facilitate drivers and riders in the first session. Renting your own car really all depends upon how much flexibility you want to have.

Do you provide any discounts on airfare or car rental?
We do not. All travel arrangements are the responsibility of each attendee.

Can I bring my spouse/significant other?
You can certainly bring them, and we may have a limited number of additional ballgame tickets available. However, they will be unable to attend the seminar sessions as space is usually at a premium.

Is there a way to find other attendees who might be willing to share a hotel room to save some money?
Feel free to drop us a note at and we'll try to connect folks looking for roommates. Best to make your reservations, and if we can find you a connection, you can always cancel your reservation.

What's the weather like in Phoenix that time of year?
November temperatures in Phoenix usually run in the 80s; evenings get into the 60s (though sometimes cooler). Rain is rare in Phoenix; we have lost only four games to weather over the past 20+ years. Dress is casual; jerseys and caps are welcomed! Note that the hotel does have a swimming pool and fitness center.

Should I bring my team rosters?
Absolutely. There should be ample time for you to get some feedback on your teams from the speakers, as well as from fellow attendees. There is also always at least one session devoted specifically to roster analyses.

How is this year's symposium different from previous years?
As always, the program is designed around the feedback we receive in each year's attendee surveys. As such, we've brought back some of our most popular seminar sessions and tried to focus on the topics requested most often. While there is some similarity in the time-sensitive topics each year, we work hard to make the overall program as fresh as possible, and there are many attendees that participate every year.

Can I blog and/or tweet from the conference?
Yes, you may send your audience general details and occasional excerpts from the program sessions. However, transmitting large portions of information learned at the event is prohibited. This is an exclusive paid program and distributing too much information devalues the event for future audiences. There will also be several sessions where proprietary information may be shared by baseball personnel; you will be informed that blogging and tweeting will be prohibited at those sessions. Attendees who are found to be transmitting excessive amounts of information may be barred from future events.

I am a customer with a standing book order. Will I receive credit for the Baseball Forecaster and/or the Minor League Baseball Analyst?
Subscribers that attend the symposium with standing book orders will have the cost of any books credited to their annual fee when the charges are run in October.

Be prepared to be enlightened, challenged and overwhelmed. This event brings out the highest caliber of fantasy leaguers and we have put together a highly interactive, hands-on program. You will meet perennial champions in national competitions who are eager to share their secrets. Our speakers are experts in their fields, but often serve as no more than facilitators for the discussions that will take place. Guaranteed you will come out of First Pitch Arizona with a more solid foundation than when you arrived, and you will have had an incredible time that will not be easily forgotten.