Matthew Cederholm

Last week, the cream of the crop. This week? The, um, buttermilk? Yes! We'll look at a group of players that may leave a sour taste in your mouth when you consider how much you paid for them.
Mar 24 2023 12:01am
The culmination of two-plus months of work: the 2023 All-Value Team!
Mar 17 2023 12:04am
Some tough bullpens to figure out in 2023. We'll give it the old Market Pulse breakdown and see if we can figure out what the market is thinking ... and where we might agree or disagree.
Mar 12 2023 1:05am
BaseballHQ health scores are very good estimates of a player's injury risk. However, there are sometimes nuances that cause a player's score to be overstated or understated. We'll look at a group of players that perhaps need to be examined more closely.
Mar 9 2023 1:07am
Risk matters in fantasy baseball, but too often we don't give it proper consideration. Make your risk count. Budget for it. Win.
Mar 9 2023 1:04am
If you must draft pitchers (we have to, right?), get the good ones! This week, we'll see what the market thinks about starting pitchers.
Mar 5 2023 1:04am
Injuries are hitting hard early in spring training. We'll run down some of the key injuries from the first week of camp: Lux, Glasnow, T. Taylor, Musgrove, deGrom, Suzuki, Hoskins, and Rodgers.
Mar 2 2023 1:07am
Wow, there sure are a lot of outfielders! It's a long list, but we've given you the highlights... and there's a lot of risk to avoid, so shop carefully. Read on!
Feb 26 2023 1:04am
The new rules in 2023 have created a lot of uncertainty. We can project, but we won't be able to accurately assess their impact for a long while. How do you manage player selection and overall draft strategy when uncertainty abounds?
Feb 20 2023 1:06am
You need at least one first baseman in most formats (we looked it up). While the position isn't stocked with mashers like it used to be, there are quite a few good hitters if you're willing to dig deep and think outside the box. That's it, we're out of metaphors.
Feb 19 2023 1:07am
Let's take a look at some players who were hurt in 2022 (or the off-season) and how that might affect their performance in 2023.
Feb 16 2023 1:06am
Last week, the cream of the crop. This week? The, um, buttermilk? Yes! We'll look at a group of players that may leave a sour taste in your mouth when you consider how much you paid for them.
Mar 24 2023 12:01am
The culmination of two-plus months of work: the 2023 All-Value Team!
Mar 17 2023 12:04am
Some tough bullpens to figure out in 2023. We'll give it the old Market Pulse breakdown and see if we can figure out what the market is thinking ... and where we might agree or disagree.
Mar 12 2023 1:05am
BaseballHQ health scores are very good estimates of a player's injury risk. However, there are sometimes nuances that cause a player's score to be overstated or understated. We'll look at a group of players that perhaps need to be examined more closely.
Mar 9 2023 1:07am
Risk matters in fantasy baseball, but too often we don't give it proper consideration. Make your risk count. Budget for it. Win.
Mar 9 2023 1:04am
If you must draft pitchers (we have to, right?), get the good ones! This week, we'll see what the market thinks about starting pitchers.
Mar 5 2023 1:04am
Injuries are hitting hard early in spring training. We'll run down some of the key injuries from the first week of camp: Lux, Glasnow, T. Taylor, Musgrove, deGrom, Suzuki, Hoskins, and Rodgers.
Mar 2 2023 1:07am
Wow, there sure are a lot of outfielders! It's a long list, but we've given you the highlights... and there's a lot of risk to avoid, so shop carefully. Read on!
Feb 26 2023 1:04am
The new rules in 2023 have created a lot of uncertainty. We can project, but we won't be able to accurately assess their impact for a long while. How do you manage player selection and overall draft strategy when uncertainty abounds?
Feb 20 2023 1:06am
You need at least one first baseman in most formats (we looked it up). While the position isn't stocked with mashers like it used to be, there are quite a few good hitters if you're willing to dig deep and think outside the box. That's it, we're out of metaphors.
Feb 19 2023 1:07am
Let's take a look at some players who were hurt in 2022 (or the off-season) and how that might affect their performance in 2023.
Feb 16 2023 1:06am
